July 2024 GrandpasCan Celebration Ride Highlights
Stay tuned: More videos to come!
June 2024
Dear Friend of Mully Children's Family,

In November of 2023 Ruth and I served a special meal to approximately 300 children in MCF Vipingo. Ruth added 2 candies and I added a very small package of 4 tiny cookies onto their plates. Our items were the last two things to be placed on the plates. The smiles on the 300 MCF
beneficiaries evoked a keen sense of
joy in everyone. The lunch went great.
However, my attention was drawn to another line of children. These were children from the community who had NOT made the cut to be part of the MCF school. They all carried some kind of dish/container filled only with HOPE. You see, MCF shares what they have. It is the tradition that, on special occasions like this one, the street children hope that there will be some food left for them to enjoy as well.

Special meal for MCF Vipingo students served by MCF Canada board
At first it went well. Everybody was smiling. Then the servers (MCF Canada board members and Mully staff) began to reduce the portions to make them stretch further. The number of street children in the Line of Hope got longer. First the cooked vegetables with bits of goat meat were missing from the plate that passed by me, then Ruth reduced her contribution from 2 candies to one and then to none. Then the last bit of rice was scraped together.
I will never forget the moment a 4-year-old boy reached my spot near the end of the serving line. His plate was totally empty.
He looked up at me with his big, beautiful, imploring eyes. My heart ached as I embarrassingly put my package of 4 tiny cookies on his empty plate. I mouthed the words, “I am sorry, that is all that is left.”
I made a decision then and there that I needed to put aside my fear of inviting potential donors to help Charles & Esther Mulli feed as many hungry children as possible.
That is why you are receiving this invitation to help.
I made a decision then and there that I needed to put aside my fear of inviting potential donors to help Charles & Esther Mulli feed as many hungry children as possible.
That is why you are receiving this invitation to help.

Street children in a Line of Hope
GrandpasCan 2024 Amazing Grace Celebration Ride
"Let the size of your God determine the size of your goal.” (Rick Warren) I know I am serving a big God, so in 2005 I set big goals — both in my cycling fundraising platform and in the difference my efforts could make. I refused to accept the common notion that the little bit I could do does not matter in the big picture. It became very clear to me that I could truly only do a little bit, but God could do a lot through me. I however had to step out in faith and make myself available first. Finally I said: "Yes God, I will do my best and You do the rest. God has not let me down."
I admit it, I am getting old. Things have changed drastically for me. I am not the cyclist I once was, but that is okay. God has another plan.
2024 marks my 20th cycling fundraising platform. It will also be my final cycling event. Ruth and I have experienced God's protection on the road. We have seen God open doors for us/MCF that we didn't even know existed. We marvel at how God has blessed our willingness to step out in faith and do what we can to help.
I have shared with some of you before that my 'extreme' cycling fundraising platform is coming to an end. My age, but mostly my body, tells me it is time. I am in urgent need of knee replacement surgery. A soccer injury from more than 40 years ago can no longer be 'managed' adequately via the benefits derived from the repetitive cycling motion. Cycling has allowed me to delay knee replacement surgery by at least 10 years, but it is time. I will continue to be an ambassador on behalf of MCF, just not from the seat of a bicycle. (You cannot get rid of me that easily.)
I admit it, I am getting old. Things have changed drastically for me. I am not the cyclist I once was, but that is okay. God has another plan.
2024 marks my 20th cycling fundraising platform. It will also be my final cycling event. Ruth and I have experienced God's protection on the road. We have seen God open doors for us/MCF that we didn't even know existed. We marvel at how God has blessed our willingness to step out in faith and do what we can to help.
I have shared with some of you before that my 'extreme' cycling fundraising platform is coming to an end. My age, but mostly my body, tells me it is time. I am in urgent need of knee replacement surgery. A soccer injury from more than 40 years ago can no longer be 'managed' adequately via the benefits derived from the repetitive cycling motion. Cycling has allowed me to delay knee replacement surgery by at least 10 years, but it is time. I will continue to be an ambassador on behalf of MCF, just not from the seat of a bicycle. (You cannot get rid of me that easily.)
For 20 years I dreamt REAL big:
5 bikes + 350,000km + $12million
= thousands of children with HOPE for a brighter future.
5 bikes + 350,000km + $12million
= thousands of children with HOPE for a brighter future.
1. Beginning on July 3, I plan to ride the blue tandem bike I used during Spoke 2005, the Canadian Safari. I plan to ride 100 km per day for 20 consecutive days on Henderson Highway, just north of Winnipeg. Each day will represent 1 year. The back of my tandem will have posters of Lydia, Mumina, and Paul — the young people I transported across Canada in 2005.

2. On July 22nd, the last day, I will include our whole family and anyone else that can ride a bike to join us for the last 8 km in parade style to our church. We will start at the East St Paul Recreation Centre on the south side of Hoddinott near Henderson Highway. There is a bike path
all the way to our church. I will try to arrange a police motorcycle escort. At
church we will be welcomed by a trumpet playerplaying Amazing Grace. He will stand on the flat part of the roof of our church. It will be a powerful and emotional experience. No idea how I will get through it. We hope to have at least 100 cyclists participating. You are all welcome to ride in the parade.
3. We will then gather at NKMB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd, Winnipeg MB, to hear (in person and video) from donors, former support crews, our family, Mully Children's Family Kenya, and watch some highlights of our 20-year ministry. There will be a free will offering followed by coffee and dainties. This will be a powerful program with emotions running deep. This will be the end of Cycling with a Purpose.
All are invited to participate in the bike parade at 6pm and then attend the celebration event at 6:45 pm on July 22 at NKMB Church.
For more info, please call or text me at 204-996-8758.
We want to say a big THANK YOU for the years of support.
For more info, please call or text me at 204-996-8758.
We want to say a big THANK YOU for the years of support.
When it Rains, it Pours (in the literal sense)
In the past you have prayed for and stood with Mully Children's Family during multi- year drought seasons. You have built dams, bore holes, and bought bulk food for MCF, allowing them to also share with desperate community members. For years MCF provided one meal/day to thousands of public school kids. This is in addition to looking after their own 6,000 children.

Aerial view of the raging Thika River

Ndalani Poultry buildings totally flooded

The Thika River bridge in Ndalani underwater

Flooded Ndalani accounting offices
And then the rains came...but they did not stop
Many parts of Eastern Africa, including Kenya, have experienced unprecedented floods. Hundreds of people have died across the country. MCF has not been spared from the devastation. We thank God that no lives have been lost at MCF.
MCF needs immediate help to pay for more than $500,000 CAD of basic repairs, such as submerged water pumps, damaged dams, rebuilding retaining walls, greenhouse covers, topsoil erosion, staff quarters that have been washed away, etc. The list goes on and on.
The funds raised with this Celebration Ride will go to General Funds. This will allow MCF to continue to function during this difficult time.
MCF needs immediate help to pay for more than $500,000 CAD of basic repairs, such as submerged water pumps, damaged dams, rebuilding retaining walls, greenhouse covers, topsoil erosion, staff quarters that have been washed away, etc. The list goes on and on.
The funds raised with this Celebration Ride will go to General Funds. This will allow MCF to continue to function during this difficult time.
1. Make cheque payable to:
Mully Children’s Family Canada
Memo Line: Celebration Ride
Send to:
Mully Children’s Family Canada PO Box 35027 RPO Henderson Winnipeg, MB R2K 4J9
2. E-Transfer to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Add in notes: GrandpasCan, Email, Your name and physical address
3. Or make a secure donation by clicking the button.
Mully Children’s Family Canada
Memo Line: Celebration Ride
Send to:
Mully Children’s Family Canada PO Box 35027 RPO Henderson Winnipeg, MB R2K 4J9
2. E-Transfer to:
3. Or make a secure donation by clicking the button.
In November of 2023, the MCF Canada board held their AGM meeting in Kenya. This was a long-held dream of Mr. Mulli's. After touring 6 of the 11 MCF campuses, and listening to the hopes, dreams, and concerns of Mully's incredible management team, I made this comment and finished by asking Ndondo a question:
“Your dorms and classrooms are full beyond capacity, you have 3 children sharing a 4-foot school bench. Your dining hall was built for 500 children but you have more than 1000 children in Ndalani alone. When will you stop taking in more children? When have you done enough?" Ndondo paused for a minute. Then she said: “At times we have put a temporary pause on taking in more children in desperate need of adult human intervention. Then late at night in June, I received this text and picture from the security guard at the gate in Ndalani.”
The text accompanying the photo says it all. This is their daily reality.
I will leave you with Ndondo's gripping words: “Please take them in.”
Our response begins in our own heart.
Thank you for standing with us these many years. God bless you.
Arvid & Ruth Loewen
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our response begins in our own heart.
Thank you for standing with us these many years. God bless you.
Arvid & Ruth Loewen

A screenshot of Ndondo’s phone