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Mission Trip Fundraiser For Haifeng (Frank) Yu

I will join the Medical Mission Trip to Mully Children’s Family (MCF) Kenya from July 22 to Aug 5, 2023 for both personal development myself and serving the needed community with my knowledge and skills.

Mully Children's Family (MCF) is a Kenyan Christian organization founded and run by Dr. Charles Mulli committed to transforming the lives of orphaned, abandoned and abused children. The members will meet and serve the children of MCF and the surrounding community through providing Dental, Optometry and Medical clinics.

I will join the medical team to provide medical service for thousands of villagers from the community around MCF with the great help of non-medical team members which make the clinic possible. The villagers walk for miles to come to the clinics for free medical assessment, medicines, lab tests and if needed, referral on to hospitals. They are given a hot lunch while they wait.

The estimated expenses per team member is $5000. The team will also raise funds to cover the cost of the thousands of lunches provided, medications and salaries for the Kenyan medical staff who will assist at the clinic. Below are a couple videos to give you a small picture of MCF Kenya.

MCF General Info video

Covid times

I want you to know about this opportunity to support me towards this trip, but please feel no pressure.

All donations are tax receiptable. Donations can be made using the button below.

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Where do you want your donation to go?
Team Member or Family:

After entering your credit card and address information on the second page DO NOT check the "Save this information for next time" button unless you want to sign up for a PayPal account. Sorry, we can't change this yet!

Other ways to donate:

Important: Please mention ‘Haifeng (Frank) Yu support’ in whatever channel you use. Remember to give your name, address, and email for MCF Canada to be able to issue the tax receipt.

If you donate via e-transfer, please also send an email with your name and a physical address. This is required by CRA for the tax receipt. We email the tax receipt to you unless you indicate you prefer a paper copy.

The tax receipts are sent out in February of the next year.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting me.

For the children and villagers,
